Action Alert Instructions

Instructions for Sending Action Alerts

  1. Sign-in to Action Network.
  2. Go to “emails” in the blue band in the middle of the page.
  3. In the right-hand box of “sponsored actions,” choose “email.”
  4. To avoid having to enter the logo again, you can “duplicate” the last Action Alert using the option with two pages to the right of the “manage” button on that previous alert. This will give you the logo and you can erase the rest of the from the previous alert.
    • Alternatively, In the last box down (the one with “Enter the body of your email here” in gray), add the Quaker Voice logo (saved on your computer). You can just drag and drop it.
  5. Enter the new subject line.
  6. Enter the text of the email. I suggest that the Working Group clerk prepared the text, including links. Then it can just be copied into this box.
  7. Use the green “save and send test” box at the bottom of your screen to save it and send a test to yourself, the WG clerk, anyone else who worked on it, and Susan.
  8. Test all the links to make sure they work. An alternative to linking to a web site is to upload the document to and link to it there.
  9. Adjust as needed based on feedback on the test.
  10. When it is ready to go, use the “Save and target your email” blue box at the right-hand side of the bottom of the screen.
  11. A new screen comes up that lets you choose which part of our contact list you want to reach.
    1. For a general email to everyone in Washington, in the dropdown menu for “state/province,” choose Washington.
    2. For a specific district, under “Legislative District,” click and then enter “Washington XX” where Xx is the district number. This should bring up the option for “Washington State Senate district XX.” Choose that.
  12. Hit the “Save, Preview, and Send” button at the bottom right again.
  13. Wait at the new screen for the program to calculate how many emails are going to receive the Alert.
    1. You will see the number in a yellow horizontal bar when you scroll down. The sentence “This email will be sent to [calculating…] activists will show that the work is being done.
    2. Eventually, a number will appear. If that number looks right, choose either to schedule the email or send it immediately, using the buttons on the right-hand side across from the count. (If not, go back and target differently.)
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