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Talking points in support of HB 1798 concerning Earned Release Time:

  • Improving sentence reduction (from 10% to 33% in most cases) based on program participation provides an incentive for incarcerated persons to participate in these programs and successfully complete them.
  • Participation in educational and training programs should be encouraged because of their value toward successful re-entry.
  • Successful re-entry not only improves the lives of persons released from prison, but by reducing recidivism, contributes to community safety.
  • Offering significant earned release time reduces the current excessively long sentences and enhancements that are among the highest in the world.

Note that HB 1798 provides earned release time prospectively, that is, for persons with offenses committed in the future; applying earned release time retroactivity to currently incarcerated persons will need to be enacted in the future.


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