Minutes for QV-ESWG, February 9, 7 – 8 PM

Gathering Silence

In attendance – Patricia Boiko, Ginny Lohr, Susan Cozzens, Sarah-Grace Vasquez, Dorene Cornwell, Ian Stanfield, and Ranae Hanson. Apologies from Rose Betz-Zall and Leni Skarin.

Planning for Quaker Lobby Day.

Discussion of our Priority 1 Bill:  Right to Repair  HB 1392 & SB 5464 – championed by Ian and  Patricia

  • Ian submitted written testimony in the Senate; Patricia testified over Zoom in the House.
  • Many people signed on as Pro from Quaker Voice.
  • This is now a substitute bill. Ian checked it over carefully and found mostly small changes; the big change was the removal of medical devices from the requirement.
  • The bill passed the house Consumer Protection and Business on 2/3, but the vote was close – 7 yes and 6 no.
  • Lonnie will ask Gregorson about those no votes. It might be that we could target our communication to them during Quaker Lobby Day.
  • SHB 1302 is now in House Appropriations with no hearing scheduled yet.
  • From Lonnie: SB5464 was taken off the calendar in the Senate Environment Committee and is not re-scheduled. The House bill is the likely vehicle.

We chose our other two priorities:

  • SHB 1085, Reducing Plastic Pollution  – championed by Ranae
    • This passed House Appropriations on 2/9 with no amendments. It now goes to House Rules.
  • H 1589; S 5562, “CETA for Gas”; Supporting Washington’s Clean Energy Economy and Transitioning to a Clean, Affordable, and Reliable Energy Future – championed by Ginny.
    • Ginny explained that this bill will get companies to reduce their gas infrastructure. After a certain date they couldn’t put gas into anything new. More affluent people are going off gas and poorer people are left maintaining the infrastructure and with higher and higher fuel bills; this bill aims to correct this inequity
    • HB 1589 is scheduled for executive action in House Environmental Committee on 2/13
    • SB 5562 is scheduled for executive action in Senate Environmental Committee on 2/14

We will keep the following as Secondary Attentions:

  • HB 1433, Energy Labeling of Residential Buildings – David
    • It has passed House Environment and Energy and is now a substitute Bill.
    • It is scheduled for a public hearing in House Appropriations at 4 PM, February 13.
  • SHB 1170, Improving Climate Resilience through Updates to the State’s Integrated Climate Response Strategy – possibly followed by Alan (especially concerning Forests and Deforestation), possibly by Ranae station
    • Passed House Appropriations on 2/9; now in House Rules.
    • SSB 5093 referred to Senate Ways and Means. Scheduled for public hearing on Feb. 13, 4 PM.
  • HB 1381, Salmon-Safe Communities – All
    • Scheduled for executive session, House Committee on Environment & Energy, 8 Am Feb. 16.
  • HB 1505 & SSB 5447, Promoting the Alternative Jet Fuel Industry in Washington – Ginny Championing.
    • Now in Ways and Means; no hearing set yet.
    • Ginny presented the position that this is a misuse of Climate Commitment Act money.
    • It is supported by industry but by no climate groups.

We looked at the new photo on the slider for the ESWG and appreciated it. Sarah-Grace will be checking out the stock photos that Gabi has access to and see if she finds any to recommend to us.

We closed with a few minutes or worship.


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