A Quaker Voice Action Alert Sent on February 25, 2019
Dear Friends,
Thanks you for participating in Quaker Lobby Day and bringing Friends testimonies to the state legislature!
We will continue to keep you up to date through our issue Alerts and our website QuakerVoiceWA.org. But right now, we would appreciate knowing how Quaker Lobby Day went for you, and what might be improved for next year. Let us know by directly responding to this email or responding to this survey.
1. How did the schedule work for you? Any changes for next year?
2. How did the small-group discussions go? Any recommendations?
3. What about the printed materials?
4. Which legislators (or their aides) did you get to talk with? Any interesting interactions … or surprises you would like to pass on?
And if you can, please send a note of thanks to your Representatives and Senator (or their Aides). We hope you continue your relationship with them, contacting them as issues arise, and be ready for next year’s Lobby Day.
Quaker Voice